chemical compounds against hair loss. both synthetic and natural.
Synthetic/Pharmaceutical Agents
- Also cited by its brand names: Loniten, Minoximen, Carexidil, Aloxidil, Regaine, Minovital.
- Also referenced with brand names: Prostide, Proscar, Propecia, Sitas, Finerid.
- A topical treatment mainly used in female androgenetic alopecia.
- A corticosteroid used in some cases of alopecia areata (administered via local injections).
- Mentioned as a complementary option for resistant alopecia areata.
- An oral medication used for hormonal imbalance related to alopecia in women
Ciproterone / Ciproterone Acetato
- Antiandrogen agents used in the context of hormonal therapy for female alopecia.
- A synthetic estrogen used in hormonal therapies that benefit hair health.
Natural/Herbal Agents
Plants and herbal extracts noted for their beneficial properties on the scalp and hair, even if their action is generally considered temporary:
Rosmarino (Rosemary)
Ortica (Nettle)
Timo (Thyme)
Olmo (Elm)
Quillaja Saponaria. Known for its saponin content.
Noce (Walnut)
Bardana (Burdock)
Classes of Medications (Without Specific Chemical Names)
chemical that can cause or treat alopecia:
Chemotherapeutics (for cancer treatment)
Beta-bloccanti (Beta blockers)
Diuretici (Diuretics)
Farmaci per la tiroide (Thyroid medications)
Anticoagulanti (e.g., Warfarin, Eparina/Heparin)
Farmaci per il colesterolo (Cholesterol-lowering drugs)
Farmaci anticonvulsivanti (Anticonvulsants)
Antidepressivi (Antidepressants)
Retinoidi (Retinoids)
Farmaci antifungini (Antifungal drugs)
Farmaci immunosoppressori (Immunosuppressants)